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A context conference is a meeting that brings partners together to make a safeguarding plan around a specific context. There are some differences between context conferences and multi-agency panel meetings. Firstly, multi-agency panel are on-going and regular meetings, where more than one context and/or young person is discussed. Context conferences, on the other hand, happen only to make a particular context safer (like a peer group, school or other location) and meet only for that purpose, like traditional safeguarding conferences. Secondly, in context conferences, practice discussions and plans are much more in-depth and detailed than they are at multi-agency panel meetings where the focus is strategic or operational oversight. Thirdly, discussions at panels can take place at any stage, but context conferences only happen once an assessment of a specific context has happened (find out more about how to do an assessment in the Locations, Schools and Peers sections of the toolkit).   

There are similarities too, between multi-agency panels and conferences. For example, context conference chairs, like panel chairs, should ask - who needs to be at the conference?  With the lead practitioners, they should make sure that the right partners come to the conference and are named in the action plan. Like with multi-agency meetings, this means building relationships with partners beyond those who would traditionally be involved in a safeguarding conference.




Relational referrals

Resources and guidance on how to ensure effective referrals to multi-agency panel meetings

Effective chairing and collaborative working

Guidance for chairs and partners on working in partnership to embed Contextual Safeguarding via multi-agency panel meetings