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This resource is from the Scale-Up toolkit and should be used in conjunction with the other resources. You can access the Scale-Up toolkit here.

Consultations With Young People 

This section of the toolkit is for those interested in engaging with young people to conduct systems change. To respond effectively to young people when they experience harm, we need to take into account the reality of their lives. This means listening to young people about how they feel in different contexts (for example at home, with friends, and at school). This toolkit provides guidance on engaging with young people, including how to start conversations with young people about safeguarding systems

We talked to young people and parents to get their views about Contextual Safeguarding generally, and the system development in their local area, specifically. Talking to young people provided brilliant information about what harm and safety looked like for them, how Contextual Safeguarding approaches could work, and what would need to happen to support young people and create safe contexts. 

Doing things differently and developing Contextual Safeguarding is not quick or easy. You need to be able to adapt, to think creatively and, more importantly, not lose sight of working with young people. The resources here support you to engage young people in conversations about Contextual Safeguarding.