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How do we resource safety for young people in their friendship groups, schools and communities?

Lauren Wroe from the Contextual Safeguarding team has been funded by Paul Hamlyn Foundation to work with young people, their families and communities, local authority commissioners, and voluntary sector funders to develop a Contextual Safeguarding Funding and Commissioning guide. This guide will support the sector to ensure that resources are directed to the services and provisions that young people want and need.

The funding will support a three-year participatory action research project to:

  • Understand from young people, their families, carers and communities what they need and want to build safety in their communities in relation to extra-familial abuse.
  • Work with a consortium of young people, their families, carers and communities, alongside local authority commissioners and voluntary sector funders in two areas of the UK to explore the resource barriers in the sector and in young people’s lives in relation to extra-familial harm.
  • Co-develop a Contextual Safeguarding Funding and Commissioning guide with the consortium. The guide will begin to address these challenges and provide direction to the sector to effectively resource safety for young people in their communities.

This project is running from April 2024 until March 2027.