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Kent County Council been embedding contextual approaches to improve how it works with vulnerable adolescents

The South Kent Adolescent Pilot (January-June 2018) established a multi-disciplinary team to work with adolescents who present concern to their care-givers and/or professionals around extra familial risk. The pilot built on the successful work undertaken in South Kent between the Adolescent Support Team and Early Help Units to jointly work on 16-17-year-old homelessness cases which reduced the Looked After episodes in this group, enabled swift step down of cases from Specialist Children’s Services to Early Help, and linked young people to the Youth Hub offer for ongoing support.

You can find out more about this innovative piece of work by listening to a podcast recorded with Bex Roche (Practice Development Lead) and Katy Batt (Early Help Unit Lead) in South Kent and by reading a briefing providing an overview of the pilot, which includes a case study.

As part of this pilot a parent group was set up with parents of adolescents at risk of extra-familial harm - find out more by reading the case study below.

South Kent Adolescent Pilot

South Kent Adolescent Pilot: a brief overview
Parent Support Group Case Study